Game Review - originally written by Spinner 8

The true sequel to Metal Gear, directed by God himself, Hideo Kojima. To say this game is an improvement over the first (which I'm sure you've all played) is quite a serious understatement. This game is badass. Perhaps you've heard the story behind this game through Metal Gear Solid and its Previous Operations thingy or whatever. Still, though, there's no better way to experience it than to live it. Well, not actually living it, but you know. The graphics, while not mind-blowing (especially for today's kiddies), do the job marvellously, and the sound is really great, thanks to Konami's SCC sound thingy.

The story goes like this: Dr. Kio Marv creates OILIX, a new microorganism that can refine crude petroleum into a much more purified form, thus effectively ending the world's energy crisis. On the way to the U.S. for a conference though, Marv and all his data on OILIX were taken to Zanzibar Land, a military state in central Asia. Solid Snake is called back out of retirement (again) to rescue Marv and retrieve all the stolen data. Dropped off right outside the main complex, and armed with nothing more than a pack of smokes, Snake has to infiltrate Zanzibar Land and, you know, kill a bunch of mercenaries and stuff.

Without hopefully giving anything away, this game plays an awful lot like Metal Gear Solid. Basically, the only new thing that MGS brings to the table is an extra dimension and a much-improved storyline. Some of the bosses even give long-winded death speeches after you defeat them. Fortunately, though, most just kind of blow up without any extraneous back story. The game's surprisingly easy to play, especially given the system it was made for, that American-unfriendly MSX. Crawling is sometimes a pain though; I've often shot a guard in the back by accident when I was meaning to duck. But other than that, I mean.

Reviewed on Dec 12, 2023
