Game Review - originally written by Spinner 8

Yep, more crrrazy super-deformed fun from the fine folks at Konami. But where’s Solid Snake? Why did my character just turn into a baby? What the hell kind of game IS this?! Well in all honesty, it’s a bunch of games just kinda smashed together. There’s some Twinbee action going on, and a little Gradius, and a lot of side-scrolling stuff. Thankfully the crappy scrolling in the first Wai Wai World is done away with, and the game’s a whole lot easier. It’s still pretty unfair sometimes, like why some small little piddly-ass green thing does three hearts’ worth of damage. It confuses me, which is why this game is cool. Kind of. Ummmm, yeah.

Reviewed on Dec 15, 2023
