Game Review - originally written by (wraith)

Cyber Knight is a really interesting game. It kinda fools you into thinking it's a sci-fi/mecha RPG with the traditional 8/16-bit RPG engine. Hell, looking at the screenshots of the overworld, you might be inclined to think it uses a similar engine to Phantasy Star 2. But that's just the overworld. Once you get into a battle, it's definitely a strategic game. The battles are waged on a 6×6 grid. Your fighters have missile and melee attacks, and essentially you move your men about and attack in a manner that doesn't wind up with your mechas getting obliterated. The battles are more involved than your standard RPG fare, and resultedly are a little slow-paced. So those of you who like Final Fantasy and Dragon Warrior–where you can fly through a battle by hitting the accept button repeatedly–might not like this. The graphics are a bit dated, even for 1993. The sound is rather nice, however. And the game play is decent. So, if you have a grain or two of patience, this game will make for an enjoyable experience.

Reviewed on Dec 19, 2023
