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Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

March 4, 2024

Platforms Played


have been playing this for about a week and it's pretty fun. some of the maps are a bit bullshit, they expect you to push different directions on the circle pad rapidly, which would be easier if it were done with the d-pad.
song selection is great but a bit lackluster, i have my favorites and i wish ffx's prelude and besaid theme were here as well as ffvi's kefka's theme. ffvii and ix selections aren't that great either but i can say iii, iv, xiii and viii are really really good. i also wish they'd put songs from "4 heroes of light" here because that soundtrack totally owns.
audio quality is actually great with the songs themselves however some of the sound effects and victory jingle sound like ass. the 8-bit tracks have a little bit of reverb, probably to keep them from hurting our ears, and that's great. it's something i would do myself in a game like this.

overall, i just wish this game had more music.