the perfect game... in my head. when i actually open it, i can see its flaws. there are a lot of levels i don't like and aren't as satisfactory as the mere concept of the game makes it seem to me, but still, it's basically >my< perfect Celeste game.

a game i really wanted to like but ended up disappointed.
the visuals and story as sorta interesting but do not a lot to stand out amongst muuuch better alternatives (such as ETCETERA or other yume nikki style games). the rpg maker combat is not JUST rpg maker combat...... ok it is but with the added bonus of literally not needing to be there at all.
it's just not an experience i would ever want to go back to.

every screen is borrowed from mega man. i recognized all the set pieces and enemies and recall the exact part they came from, so it's basically a cheaper alternative to Legacy Collection.
the controls might be more tight than mega man but I'm not sure. it's pretty ok but I refunded it since I wasn't interested in playing anymore.

ost is good tho

controls well enough, interesting aesthetics and i love the sound effects. the gameplay is just like f-zero but not nearly as fast. a decent time but nothing spectacular.

it sucks a lot but the art is so so good...

finished only July Ann's campaign. neat game but clearly planned for mobile phones, the songs are good but not very memorable and the sound quality is not very good. it's fun!

ok so i finally "emulated this properly" - by that i mean, i played it on a 3ds.
gameplay is fun, the harder difficulties are rlly hard for me but they pay off with how funny it is to miss notes. i love the crusty sound of the gba and that's awesome but missing the notes in this game is the best part of it.

dont remember when i read this but was a couple months ago maybe.

hallucinate looks amazing, perfect aesthetic. writing and story not so much. i liked it though. flanca is VERY big with lots of branching paths, i got one, didnt interest me enough to see others.