Portal is one of those games. yeah, you know the ones. the undoubtedly good, undebatably iconic, and maybe subjectively, perfect. everything is just perfect. the puzzles are expertly crafted, the physics are super fun to just toy around and the sweet lore is a good reward for everything else. though i'd say Portal's lore doesn't matter as much as, say, Half-Life, or Portal 2. the game is much more about beating the puzzles and the ingenious portal mechanic.

however, i'm too lazy to finish this. sad honks i know, i know. sorry. maybe one day.

grandia is definitely one of the most satisfying rpgs i've ever played. the story is simple but charming, the art is beautiful and the combat system is beyond amazing.

however, i skill issued.
i am shelving this (as of january 6th 2024) until i have enough patience to try again.

I think the rpg elements are annoying for the most part. the story is very boring and surface based, but reminds me of classic dragon ball so it's ok.
the gameplay is really good and balanced, although I must say I thought the "critical" mechanic would be more useful but it only really matters in the hard difficulty.

it really might just be THE best fighting game ever made.

myhouse is more of a tourist town than a videogame. it's an art exposition showing first hand internet trends, doom modding, and universally shared childhood experiences from the generation it wants to capture.

more than house of leaves, creepypastas or doom maps of people's own houses, the biggest inspiration to myhouse is actually liminal spaces. some of the areas are direct recreations of iconic sets such as poolroms, backrooms and abandoned daycare facilities. when the topic started exploding in 2020, it wasn't just another horror trend, but a phenomenon and a piece of discussion between older people (i.e. not children). most of us who saw the pictures felt uneasy, but not scared. we felt nostalgic. the word anemoia was commonly tossed around and defined. this is a feeling i'm all too common with but it was the first time i saw more people feeling. and more, it was felt in mass.

myhouse has the upper hand over other "liminal space games" because its narrative is greatly enhanced by it. most of these areas are so simple and mundane that they can resonate with absolutely everyone that was alive during that era. the daycare has a bootleg painting of Shrek on its wall, the airport has that 90s style of carpet and even the gas station/road at night seem to take inspiration from a classic doom map called "doom city". these uneventfully universal scenarios, when put inside the doom engine, with these textures, and that blade runner esque song, become a legend of its own. iconic set pieces that can trick your mind into remembering things that didn't happen or condensing a myriad of recollections into just one area in a videogame.

my favorite of these areas is the airport. it makes me think of Toy Story. it also makes me think of the carpet at my town's mall's arcade. it also reminds me of childhood trips to Rio. the pattern on the bus's carpet and chairs. a middle-of-the-road McDonald's. another bus. another mall. another McDonald's. another memory. another place. places i have never been to. memories i have never had. things i have never lived. all at once.

the storytelling in myhouse is not just to the service of one guy's house catching fire and their fear of a dog. things such as the Shrek mini-boss (which could be interpreted as a joke, but also as a manifestation of 2000s pop culture) and the console in the living room that goes from a PSX to an XBOX tell a story about not one single individual but us as an entire generation. the house changes because we change, we change because of the passage of time, and the passage of time is unbearably, terrifyingly painful. the horror of myhouse is not demons and atmosphere. is the reality of existing. growing up, transforming.

however, the driving factor of myhouse is its architecture. the enemies might as well not even have been there, because the main point of the game is not to kill, not to get to the end, but to experience these places, either for the first time or again. you can watch as many playthroughs as you want but it will not be the same as actually opening the game and walking around for yourself, staring at the skybox and taking the time to absorb the vibe. and the vibe is absolutely there, cogent as fuck. you're left to wander that space alone and as the game changes you change too, thinking about everything, absorbing your own fear and projecting your own memories onto these familiar sceneries.

this game is monumental in the most unassuming way possible, while at the same time being a complete rehash of a bunch of stuff we've seen countless times before. as i said previously, however, its rehashing is its strength, and that's pretty cool.


literally better than Yume Nikki in every way except for the soundtrack

one of the best games I've ever played??? short and well balanced, tough but fair. amazing animations, could do better in the music department, but as far as game design goes it's almost immaculate. shows a lot of understanding on metroidvania mechanics. it's the kind of thing you could play over and over again.

literally one of if not THE most beautiful game i've ever played. if i could show any yume nikki fangame to anyone (that isnt dotflow or 2kki) it would be this.

The most perfect Sonic game in my eyes. It's pure fun, an amazing soundtrack, although my admittedly gigantic bias with the game's graphics play a big part in my enjoyment.

oh yeah, I've beaten this one. it's really cool and interesting, the world feels almost alive, but at the same time extremely lonely. really cool to put some music and just explore everything.

wow. this game is boring!
too hand-holdey and stiff, very slow and controls could be a bit more precise but i won't shit on that since it's the damn wii. i've played about half an hour and don't play on continuing, but who knows.

i gave up on trying to learn japanese because of various reasons. this game makes me want to learn it immediately so that i can experience it properly.

an extremely interesting game designed by an extremely interesting and talented person (who became my favorite vg composer), with cool aesthetics and a marvelous soundtrack. i played it for like 5 minutes because i couldn't understand a thing, so I'll come back to it once I learn japanese!!

i finally did it. i beat isaac as the blue baby and unlocked the d6. there's still more to do, unlocking the lost and everything else, but that was my main objective.
this game is consuming me, as it consumes most who play it. i can't stop playing it. i wake up, open the game, get mad, go to sleep, wake up, do everything again. it never stops. i crave for playing it all the time. it's just so..... fun... right?

anyway I'll buy repentance eventually

i never beat this game but i think it rules and it's very underrated. what's also amazing is the fact that it's free. people really aren't aware of how much amazing freeware there is out there