reaaaally good music on this one i gotta try the og one tho

my main takeaway is that there are a bunch of very cool setpieces on this one and lots of new fun weapons. i really like that new tech sniper rifle. the devs clearly played a lot of doom, the new skill tree makes combat a lot more fun and it already was pretty solid. the msq is much more contained than the main game and actually feels like it was planned instead of being sorta thrown together without having any idea of how the game is going to end up being.

man those wit studio 2d cutscenes have some of the ugliest looking animation ive ever seen

if someone can tell me what is the ending to scenario b id appreciate it because it is very unfun to play!!

Es un juego que tiene muchísimas buenas intenciones, que se ve quiere dar homenaje y mostrar amor por sus muy claras influencias, pero por problemas como su dirección casi que completamente perdida, mecánicas de rpg sin un solo pensamiento de balanceo (cosas como que la mayoría de los stats no cambian absolutamente nada el daño que haces o recibes en los combates, está tan mal que el juego directamente te da la opción de saltarte casi todos los combates) y una historia con unos personajes que el juego quiere que le importen al jugador pero que nunca lo logra pues hace que cueste bastante de recomendar.

This game isn't really envisioned as a metroidvania, but as a character action 2d adventure, according to the devs. I found out about this game after listening to a few interviews with the devs in the past, and everything i would hear from them about this game made me feel very fascinated with it.

The visuals go for this minimalistic, clean look, with a sort of approach of what i'd describe as a cosmic horror setting with these avatars of fallen gods and creatures. You might see some similarities with Gris, which in fact, lead animator and game designer Joel Roset is a relative of the creative director of that game, which he also worked on as an animator. A clear inspiration of the visuals and music of this game would be Fez, which can be observed in how the world is designed, the UI and the great ambience-droney soundtrack, which would switch up to these emotional and intense orchestra themes in some of the boss fights

As i was describing before, this is a very combat focused side-scroller game, the combats are played out in this unique idea of what is a turn based fight, when it's the player's turn, they will have to figure out what is the best combo they can do. There are many different skills and weapons the enemies may be weak to, the player can do things like focusing on breaking any guards so that way they can gain extra time to fit more movements in their turn. In the enemy’s turn all the player can do is block or parry, the game incentivizes a lot going for perfect guards and parries since they will also increase the time of the next turn and deal a good chunk of damage to the enemy.

What I really appreciate about this game is how you can see that the developers have a lot of passion for these kind of games, and just how much care and love has been put into this game, every single move has its reason to exist, most if not every single encounter offers very clever challenges for the player to think about and use all aspects of their moveset. You can notice that there is a great fascination with videogames of this kind could it be third strike, could it be bayonetta, dmc, and their fanaticism and studies for these games culminates into what is one of the best action games of the year.

lonetrail is the best story ive ever read in a mobile game. im speechless

not yet done with the game but you have to either be insane or to never have actually played any fromsoft games if you think that this game 'deserves' to stand aside with other fromsoft games. The quality of this game is more comparable to kusoge like code vein and lords of the fallen

while still an excelent competitive experience, it is an extremely foolish move from Valve to just wipe CSGO out of existence. It's like deleting a decade of gaming history for no reason.

this game didnt need any gameplay segments i think id rather watch a vtuber play it instead

best game of the year is an iphone exclusive

incredible game that explores the history of many many music genres! each level is based on an instrument that is used on the genre that you explore and you can even get to mess around with it, and everything sounds really awesome. must play for any puzzle fans or people that want to get to explore very interesting music genres. one of the best games of the year. i really wish it had a dlc or maybe a extra level