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Okay, admittedly I have not played the other games in the series but that doesn't mean I can't see flat characters when I see them, even if they're so flat I can only see them from the front or the back. If what I've heard about the rest of the series is anything to go by, they're much better in the other games but here they were just so... meh. Seriously, take any of the lines spoken by any of the nine main characters, switch them around and you won't notice a difference because they all talk in the exact same way. Also, I thought it really defeated the point of important choices to have a timeline where you could go back and do the other choice. Not only that but apparently you had to do that to get the true end? I might be remembering that wrong since I did not finish the game but I'm sure there was some clunky excuse along the lines of "you need to experience all the timelines for it all to come together". Anyways, this game is boring and the dialogue feels like a first draft.

Reviewed on Jan 04, 2022
