probably the best game from NFS so far, and the reveal for the boss was pretty good along with the soundtrack. Not perfect and still pretty buggy, but an improvement over Gor3, which didn't even go full screen (regardless of whether that was a feature or not, still annoying).

Very short.

secrets were somehow even better on this one even if the ghost was terrible to find.


miserable game but i kind of like it, not really though.

nothing groundbreaking but its fun for fans of the setting and third person shooters.

new game plus goes crazyyyyyyy and the game is really fun but early game the bosses suck

surprisingly easy compared to all the other games (haven't played ds2 yet) but honestly more enjoyable than ds3. Only real complaint is that bed of chaos exists.

can be a little repetitive and personally I had a terrible time with a couple segments (usually the weird story related ones) but great game overall.