High-speed rush-hour traffic simulator.

I'm pretty sure this game is hitting on me.

What if we kissed in the third floor of the Pronouns Temple haha jk ...unless?

Finally, the goofy edition of Kuru Kuru Kururin.

The graph showing the correlation between the amount of enjoyment one gets from solitaire and the amount of enjoyment one gets from Pocket Card Jockey is a straight line.

The localization of this game is very cute.

With Bricks Pinball V, nuGame decided to throw out the ultimate curveball by changing the number in the title to a Roman Numeral, instead of putting any honest-to-goodness thought into the gameplay experience of their bottom-of-the-barrel shovelware.

God, I hope the Bricks Pinball games never cost any money back when the 3DS eShop was still around. I'm sure they were like $5 a pop though.

...This is just Bricks Pinball 3. Like, exactly the same game.

To my surprise, Bricks Pinball 3 is actually the exact same game as Bricks Pinball 2 except the camera is tilted at an angle slightly.

"Surely Bricks Pinball 2 can't be as bad as the first Bricks Pinball game."

the pins don't even do anything lmao

The thing that's super cool about the original Castlevania is that enemy layout and level design feels planned, for better or worse, around Simon Belmont's stiff movement and delayed whip. It's brutal, but it feels great to pull off successfully.

I cannot say the same thing for Circle of the Moon.

This is the second Gator-themed video game with very good movement I've played.

Skator Gator 3D is cute and good! Really short (I finished it in about an hour), but well worth the play time. Themes of "corporations suck, clean up your trash" rule always.

I'd love to see the level design ideas expanded upon a little further, but Skator Gator 3D doesn't overstay its welcome by any means as it is, and I've grown to appreciate these short-but-cool experiences.

I'm very excited to see what Weathered Sweater comes out with next, if anything.

Skateboarding is cool.

Atari 50: The Anniversary Celebration does a great job at demonstrating the importance and impact of the earliest video games, including context for the video game crash in the 80's, interesting perspectives of developers of the company, and like five or six different versions of Missile Command.

I've gained a tremendous respect for the Atari 2600 as a system, and while a bit jank by today's standards, there are some actually excellent games on there. Adventure is cool. Haunted House is cool. The 2600 version of Missile Command is a stellar port.

I've also gained a hilarious level of understanding into how bad the Lynx and Jaguar systems were at the time, especially when compared with the SNES and Genesis. Technically very cool systems, but their original games weren't very good or fun. Tempest 2000 for the Jaguar barely counts in my eyes because it's a remake of the original arcade game, but I can't stress enough how genuinely fun that game is, even in the current year.

I wouldn't pay $150 in the 90's just for Tempest 2000.

Tremendous respect to Atari for showcasing some of the worst video games I've ever played. This is a genuine compliment. I'm being as real as I can be. Nintendo would never.

Anyway, thanks for inventing video games for us, Atari. Very cool. :)

pffft hahaha

So if you turn too hard in this game you start to skid, or sometimes even spin out completely, so you have to keep letting go of the acceleration every time you make a turn in order to maintain any semblance of speed. Normally this type of thing wouldn't be too much of a problem, but it's a kart racer with a lot of turns.

Thankfully, Atari Karts features the funniest power-up I've ever seen in any racing game: the steering wheel. When you use this power-up, you, for a brief moment, are allowed to experience normal-ass turning without skidding, like literally every other kart racing game I've ever played.

This game sucks, but I'm gonna go ahead and give it an extra star because the playable rooster wearing sunglasses and a leather jacket goes hard.

Also THIS is the music that plays after you've finished a course. Hell, it's the music that plays after you've WON A GRAND PRIX.

Get off the track, Bentley Bear.

He looks like he was kidnapped and doesn't want to be here.