1 review liked by robotic

Damn virgins is a bit of a mixed bag when it comes to adventure games.

The absurd story with over the top goofy cutscenes at times was amusing but at other times overly juvenile. The group of virgin students all act as different comic relief stereotypes. Some of them felt like they nailed what they were going for and others felt borderline offensive in what they portrayed. Some of this may be chalked up to cultural differences or be caused partially by the English translation, as this game is completely in Spanish, so it is hard for me to say.

The early puzzles felt pretty straightforward and logical, but as the game reaches its final act things become a bit of a mess. The early map of this game was structured and easy to navigate, but the late game locale is centered around a labyrinthian cave system that is miserable to navigate. This makes it easy to miss paths and key items. I ended up searching some of the solutions towards the end of the game only to find some of the key puzzles to be overly obtuse.

Speaking of which, this game has two endings - both of which I experienced. Neither gave me a story conclusion that felt satisfying and when I found out what caused me to even get on the bad ending path to begin with, it was illogical and frustrating.

The first half of the game I found myself fairly entertained, but by the end I could not wait for it to be over. This isn't a long experience with my playthrough clocking in at around four and a half hours - including playing the final path out two different ways.

Regretfully, I do not think I would recommend this to anyone but the most diehard of FMV/Adventure game fans. I really wanted to like it more than I did.