A good game, fun to play, but that falls short in more than the bugs.

While the game has the same structure as The Witcher 3, you can feel how it works way worse here. I kinda feel that having everything in a city goes against CD Projekt style for emergent narrative and side quests. In The Witcher, it was organic. You travel the world, arrive to a new town, an NPC provides you a secondary quest. In Cyberpunk, side and main quests just pop up with a phone message or call. That is even more annoying when some missions require you to wait in order to move forward, when the missions only appear after certain time... You never know when you are done with a story line, specially at the endgame. It's the worst of open world games, you don't even need to explore the world to meet an NPC, magically a fixer will call you and put you in touch.

And the narrative feels... empty. Survival is your goal, and everything fits properly for a mercenary. But the game talks about the risks of corporatism, while the gameplay encourages to use the amazing Cyberware that those corpos make. Developing your relationship with the characters you meet is nice, but in my opinion the effects of each story line is diluted into merging them all together, making them available and intertwined. All feels like it falls short. Some side quests talk about politics without saying anything.

Which is worse, is the fake feeling of how your choices affect the story, having to choose a path based on... ¯\(ツ)/¯ No real ethic or moral debate, no real pressure.

I had real fun, and it's a better RPG than Starfield by far, but falls short in comparison with The Witcher 3, and is not the great game we expected.

Reviewed on Feb 25, 2024
