XIII 2003

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Time Played


Platforms Played


A competent shooter with some stealth mixed in and great visual style. Unfortunately it has various pain points which keep it from being great.

- Great visual design inspired by comics. The illustrated sound effects are a nice touch.
- Jazzy soundtrack reminiscent of spy thrillers.
- Large level variety ranging from snowy mountains, desert, submarine, military base, etc.

- Shooting gameplay is alright. There is a large variety of weapons. Guns don't feel very powerful possibly due to sound design and hit feedback. Enemy AI isn't that great and they usually just stay still and shoot.
- Stealth sections can be fun if they are your cup of tea. I enjoyed them but there can be a lot of trial and error. The AI also isn't great in this aspect. The limit of their vision and hearing can be inconsistent and hard to pinpoint.
- Cliffhanger ending which wouldn't be a problem if we actually got a proper sequel.
- Voice acting. Adam West is great but David Duchovny sounds like a robot.

- Bosses are terrible bullet sponges that just run around and shoot at you. It's also pretty jarring to go from mowing down soldiers to having to empty clips into some old dude.
- There is a save system but you will just load in the beginning of the level instead of where you saved. There is also no autosave.
- Few checkpoints with some being terribly placed. Had a few instances where I died after beating a boss after multiple attempts with no checkpoint in between. Dying 5 minutes into a level just to have to rewatch unskippable cutscenes, wait for characters to finish conversations and repeat all you just did is pure agony.

In the end I had a good time, but with just a few tweaks the game could have been great. It's very disappointing that the remake couldn't deliver on that.