yeah, im playing some old games in memory of the wii u online being shut down. this is one i’m logging early cause it’s literally just mario kart 8 deluxe but worse LOL

absolutely beautiful game that maybe, idk, is a little too easy some time

all of the characters and none of the charm

i owned this game as a kid and i decided it was high time i, you know, actually beat it? so i went back and finished it. and yeah, it sucks. it’s awful, actually. the performance is some of the worst i’ve seen on a ds game period. the writing is word-for-word from the show, but with none of the jokes. the platforming is incredibly basic, and it’s super easy. it’s a game for kids for the ds, did you expect a masterpiece?

i’m not gonna get into this game too much. it was probably some developers first game, and their first experience in the real game dev environment. i’m sure someone who worked on it is very proud of their contributions. i’m glad this game kept me occupied as a kid, even if i never got past the first level


bruh there was online lag when i played with cpus 💀

i can finally say that i have, OFFICIALLY, LEGALLY, beaten Mother 3 the way Nintendo fully intended it to be played. sure, i can’t speak or read Japanese and sure i used an English guide every now and then when i was completely lost. but goddamn it, i did it. i have ACTUALLY beaten Mother 3. and it feels really really good


fr tho, i’m giving this a high rating but maybe not for the reasons you think. it’s ugly, it’s animations are not good, and it’s incredibly cheap. goddamn it i love it tho. i miss the era when big AAA studios would put out mediocre slop to fill the space. now every game released is “the biggest game ever made” or whatever, and they have multi-million dollar budgets. i want studios to make games that have a budget of $10 and whatever they find between the couch cushions

“Sonic Team Try Not to Introduce New Mechanics During the Final Boss with Zero Explanation on How They Work” Challenge: Level IMPOSSIBLE 😱😱😱💥💥🔥🔥🔥

ANYWAYS, kinda lowkey love this game. very charming, very cute, very Glover. wish it’d get a sequel or a remake or whatever to help iron out the bigger issues. i don’t play literally any of the side content and i feel no reason to try to beat any of the levels after the final boss, but i still like it

five stars. fuck you.

i dont actually speak any Japanese but tbh that kinda contributed to the chaotic nature of the game. most of the time i was just mashing buttons and hoping for the best. the art style has aged better than any hyper-realistic game released 10 years ago and will continue to age like fine wine while every modern AAA game ages like milk

here is the beginning of my Pokémon mainline games marathon. i’m not playing EVERY game, just the third game in each generation, if there is one. or just a random game in between the two choices

anyways, yeah it’s not great. it’s really grindy and kinda boring. but it’s pretty cool to fight Jessie and James and be followed by my Pikachu. it feels like an actual adaptation of the anime, which i DO like. overall, i hope to see improvements as the franchise goes on, but i’m kinda expecting to play the same game every time :/

(i’m doing this marathon because i don’t like the mainline pokémon games, but i can’t successfully hate on them online if i haven’t actually played them. i’m playing them to hate them MORE)

if your rougelite is any more complicated than this i will instantly hate it

literally just the first game (which is inherently fun) but with a bunch of shitty microtransactions

i loved it!! i will never think about it after this

i’m worried how many hours i will put into the Tony Hawk mode

honest to god one of the best games i’ve ever played. absolutely hilarious, perfectly ties everything together, and the best of the trilogy