this is literally the most annoying game ever made

yeah i kinda think this is the best one of the original trilogy but my views have changed slightly. i literally could not beat night 6 no matter how hard i tried and it very rarely felt like my fault. i dont think its bad, i actually quite enjoy it. but i dont like it as much as i used to

a classic horror game thats basically modern-day Goosebumps, lets me fr. its for kids, and thats okay :)

no other mainline Mario game has so effortlessly captured the spirit of Mario quite like this game. its a celebration of everything thats come before it and everything that has yet to come. it’s beautiful in every way and i want a sequel 😡

i dont even know how to log this one

sorry to all three Klonoa fans out there but this was extremely mid

the isometric deck-building JRPG rougelike genre really got its roots from this one

i hate to be a negative person, especially for a smaller project like this. but i just did not care for it at all. for one, its painfully easy. its also incredibly short. i managed to beat it in an afternoon. its only got five bosses, two of which snagrets. in the first two areas, you fight four snagrets total. theres just, idk, im sorry, no variety or anything really. even in comparison to Pikmin 1, theres just nothing here. it’s enjoyable for some people im sure, and i know ill be the odd one out for this one. i really am sorry

theres no reason for 🅱️ikmin to 🅱️e as fun as it is, 🅱️ut goddamn they did it

Time: 04:06:30
Pikmin Killed: 111
Pikmin Alive: 1115
Pokos: 27614

agonizing but maybe ill do it again one day

- open Tennis for Two
- play single player

weaker on a second play through. i think i like Pikmin 1 more, but this is a very VERY solid second place