the original Halo was good, but its aged quite a bit. this one improves upon the original in every way. better maps, more weapons, more enemies, a more invested story, and so much more. its a great game and you should definitely play it as soon as possible

im not a huge fan of Splatoon in general, so when i say that this game is good, you know i mean it. Octo Expansion was actually super fun. it has some bumps here and there, but the overall quality and enjoyment of the game is great. its a great game. its great DLC as well. i genuinely enjoyed my time with it. the ending dragged on a little too long for my taste. but yeah, i actually really liked it

the story is memorable and interesting, the characters are well written, and the gameplay is super fun. however, it cannot be overstated how poorly this game runs. the performance is absolutely terrible. it genuinely feels unfinished. frame drops are common, and pop in is to be expected. however, the gameplay carries this game to the finish line and makes for a fairly decent experience in spite of its issues


it doesnt do anything that Shovel Knight and Spectre Knight hadnt already done, and all the new stuff is optional and feels very segmented from the rest of the game. its not bad, its just fine

while definitely rough around the edges, Nickelodeon All Star Brawl manages to have incredibly engaging gameplay and a wonderful cast of characters, which makes for a mostly pleasant experience. the animations, music, and lack of voice acting is clearly the work of a strict budget and lack of time. hopefully the devs will look at the main issues the game poses and fix them through updates. for now however, the games lack of polish holds it back from being great

the first half of this game starts off great. its classic Metroid, exploring the world, finding secrets, and having a great time

about halfway through, however, you run into a boss called The Alpha Blogg, and this is where the game starts to fumble big time. bosses range from "tedious" to "frustrating and annoying." the Spider Ball Guardian is tedious and confusing; the final Dark Samus fight has you absorb Phazon to fight her by charging your beam, but if you get hit by the Phazon, you lose your charge and youre on the clock as well; the Quadraxis fight is one of the worst bosses ive ever fought in a video game, with his first phase being frustrating, second phase being tedious, and third phase being frustrating again. bosses in the Dark World can kill you after you beat them because the Dark World constantly damages you, which results in doing an entire fight again. the beams have ammo, which is frustrating to use and makes no sense, since the beams arent any more powerful than the beams in Prime 1 or Prime 3. and theres wayyyyy too much backtracking. theres also barely any save rooms, and the game is much harder than the previous Metroids. if the game is going to be harder, there should be more save rooms, but theres less than theres ever been before. this game was not fun, and i had very few moments of enjoyment out of it

this is a controversial game, but i think a lot of people dont give it credit where credit is due

first off, this is the most linear game in the entire Metroid franchise. however, it makes up for this by having rooms that feel like puzzles. you wont just enter and leave rooms immediately. you have to solve puzzles to get through, which makes it feel like a Metroid game, even if it isnt

the story is definitely as bad as people say. its confusing and poorly written and feels like a fanfic someone wrote about the Metroid games rather than a story written by a team of professionals

occasionally, you will go into a "detective mode" where you are forced into 1st person and told to find an object. this is like a Where's Waldo book, if no one told you what Waldo looked like. these are also not even slightly fun

with the bad stuff out of the way, the game does a lot of things right. the boss fights have this extreme intensity to them, and some of them are my personal favorites. Phantoon is my favorite boss in the entire franchise. having the game 3rd person, and being able to switch to 1st person by pointing the Wii remote at the screen is so fun as well. it gives the game a fast-pace feel to it when youre in the heat of combat

it saddens me to see this game get so much hate, but its not all undeserved. the game takes a ton of missteps, but it has strong parts that are overlooked. i personally enjoyed it, but you might not

this is definitely the weakest 2D Metroid. exploration is still very fun in this game, but it suffers from linearity and performance

the world map is basically a single road to the end of the game. there is zero incentive to return to previous areas and get more missles or power tanks

the performance on a base 3DS is also disappointing. frame drops are common when several of enemies are on screen

it sticks to the strong Metroid core and identity, however, and still is a fun game at the end of the day. definitely the weakest one in the franchise however, and i would not recommend you get into the Metroid franchise with this game

just like previous Metroids, the exploration and level design in Metroid Prime are topnotch. the soundtrack is amazing as well. in the Metroid Prime Trilogy, the aiming has been significantly improved, making in the definitive version to play

the biggest issue i have with this game is its age. theres a lot of backtracking that slows the game down. Samus isnt as agile in this game compared to previous games, so movement is much slower. but, since the game is 20 years old, you can give it a little bit of leeway. this game is fantastic

Metroid Prime 3 is such a great way to finish off a great trilogy. its a little more linear than the other Metroids, but its still super fun. you have ziplines you can ride on, ancient ruins to explore, acid rain to avoid, abandoned and creepy spaceships to traverse. every location is interesting and unique, more so than previous Metroids, as every level takes place on a different planet

the game also has more quality of life improvements than the previous Metroid Primes, and it takes advantage of the Wiis controls more than the previous ones as well. its such a fantastic game that i cant recommend enough

very rarely does a sequel manage to be better than the original, but Psychonauts 2 is one of those rare cases. with an amazing soundtrack, memorable characters, and fantastic worlds, everything comes together to make one of the best platformers of 2021, even outdoing Mario in some aspects

performance is odd, however. during cutscenes, some textures would arrive late to the party. framedrops didnt happen however at all, which is nice. another issue i have is with the story itself. during the game, some characters completely disappear right up until the end of the game, where they magically come out of hiding after doing nothing for the past five levels. its disappointing, especially since the last game didnt struggle like this

despite these issues, however, i think the good far outweighs the bad. Psychonauts 2 manages to have an unforgettable experience, and definitely encourages you to come back for more

great art style, fun gameplay with lots of potential for breaking the game in fun ways, and a huge cast of characters are all great aspects of the game. some of the new songs arent as good as the old songs, and the cutscenes have lost a lot of their charm. but the core gameplay remains as fun as ever, with more accessible options for less skilled players. its a game anyone can play but few can master

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i mean this in a very positive way, but when i play this i think of old flash games. the graphics, the incredibly serious story near the end, and even the gameplay to some degree. its very simple but very well made. i feel nostalgic for this game even tho i played it literally just last year. and that’s because when i play it im transported to my old computer in my pjs playing on Armor Games. its not perfect, mind you, but it makes me feel warm

this is literally the worst game ive ever played. what the fuck. what. the Fuck.