didnt feel like 100%ing this game again cause of the blue coins. anyways

yeah i love this game. i have a ton of nostalgia for it which def contributes to my feelings for it but i dont care. its buggy, it feels unfinished, its not everyones cup of tea. but its still one of my favorite 3D Marios

i like how the hand-extending cords look in this one compared to the mainline games

call me a loser but DAMN this was actually fun

its not perfect, of course. i encountered a few bugs that kinda hurt my experience. its not terribly scary, but it still has its moments. an overall very good experience. im legitimately excited for Chapter 3

merch button on the title screen aside, i actually enjoyed it? it's got performance issues for sure and it's way too short. but overall an enjoyable experience? idk man

i cannot deny that i played a video game

neat little game. its nothing too special but its fun

a perfectly fine little game that can be enjoyable in bite-sized chunks

got to Mountain 28 and said "im done"

genuinely one of the most insane and over-the-top Nintendo games ive ever played. this doesnt feel like it should be real

i can say definitively that this game didnt suck

so i played this on Xbox Cloud Gaming, and i have some thoughts about that as well that i wanna get out

so first off, cloud gaming. overall, its good. i didnt need a great wifi connection to make it run well. the wifi at work is notoriously bad, and it ran with some input delay and occasional low resolution, which is a win in my book. clearly, not every game should be played this way, but i think Tinykin was perfect for it

next, the actual review itself. this game gave me whiplash because it's basically Chibi-Robo and Mario and not actually Pikmin. but it's still loads of fun and i absolutely recommend it. i do wish there was more challenge, but it's still really fun

my girlfriend loved it. it made her happy so thats a win in my book

watched my gf play this. 10/10 because it made her happy :)

almost 100% completed it this time but i lost the motivation to do so. still my GOTY and one of my favorite games ever made