i like the cabinet's design

playing this so soon after the original is weird. this remake feels more like a port of the original, flaws and all, but with worse graphics. its not bad but its def not the ideal way to play this game. it brings zero quality-of-life improvements to it, and thats the most disappointing part

to celebrate the release of Pikmin 4, i will be playing every Pikmin game before its release

Pikmin 1 is a classic, even if it doesnt hold up very well. it has a lack of polish and the pikmin ai is somewhat frustrating to deal with. despite that, its still a very fun game and i love returning to this one from time to time

this is an interesting one. this is an NES game that has actually aged quite well with one major caveat. you cannot save in this game, and theres no password system either. however, thanks to modern day emulation, we have save states. and this game can finally reach its fullest potential

tho id recommend you just play the GBA version

despite its musical changes, it is still the best Sonic game ever made. i played through the whole thing as Amy this time around and its a blast. the widescreen and removal of lives almost make this the definitive way to play

my brother bought a wii recently and got a dude to mod a bunch of games on it. we tested it out by playing one (1) game of Smash 64. so fuck it, heres a review

good game. great game even. i played as Kirby with a Wiimote and Nunchuck. he played as Link with a GameCube controller. we played on Sector Z. its fun and stupid

why was this a full console release?

played this just to log it really

also, its one of the few good NES games

i replayed it cause i heard there was a new update. the tagline "and more" at the end of the update trailer got me excited, thinking they were adding like a new postgame or something. but no, it's just better graphics. it certainly looks nicer, but im not giving extra points for that. its the exact same game lmao

yeah, its rough around the edges. but ultimately it's more classic de Blob and de Blob is just plain fun

very enjoyable! but not as good as S3&K unfortunately

in all ways except physical i am at the Kinzville Academy