im gonna say it. im glad its a faithful remake but i feel like they couldve done more for newer audiences

i do not care for how often the game has “Point of No Return” setups??? i guess??? like youll pull a grapple block out of the way and it slides down, blocking the way back to where you came. other than that tho, it’s easily my favorite Metroid game and my favorite game ever

an enjoyable experience but nothing mind-blowing. i feel i approached this game with the wrong mindset, and that made it a worse experience for me. its just so linear and restrictive, and i didnt care for that too much

playing through it made me appreciate it so much more than before. its atmosphere, its level design, its improvements and refinements from previous games. it’s incredible. easily one of my new favorite Metroid games

i, for one, am very impressed they managed to make a game that is both too confusing AND too linear

truly one of the Metroid games of all time

ive owned this game for a while but ive never actually beaten it. so it was nice to finally finish it up. overall, not bad but not great. it could be a lot of nostalgia

some annoying bosses dont detract from this masterpiece too too much

unironically the best Sonic game since Mania and an absolute gem that everyone should play. the half star i took off was for vertigo during the Think sections. and as someone who has never played these point-and-click mystery games, i feel like this is a great introductory point. its not very hard but i feel compelled to check other games like this out

ive never played a game that so desperately wants to be over like this one

that being said, outside of Classic Sonic stages, the soundtrack slaps. Fist Bump is incredible and i will not be ashamed of that. and graphically, this is the best-looking Sonic game to date, even compared to Frontiers. but the game just races to end, the pacing feels so rushed, the levels are IMMENSELY short and way too easy, and the physics feel AWFUL. its a shame too considering i encountered zero bugs the entire time, which i cant say for Frontiers as well. it couldve been great

still better than Lost World tho

the first few levels are a touch too long, and something about Chai’s move set outside of combat never really clicked with me. but this was honestly one of the best games ive played this year

as a kid, i used to love this game. but as an adult, i see a lot more of its faults. it’s not perfect for sure, but i still definitely had fun. i just think i prefer Pikmin 3 more tbh

i LOVE short, sweet, charming games like this. i cannot recommend it enough

still not sure what a homing shot is