im really conflicted on this one. naturally i had to beat this one after playing Origins. and im having a tough time deciding if this is better than S3&K. i think S3&K beats it, but just barely, but barely

the bosses kinda suck, but the rest of the game is really good. the level design doesnt always work with the boost gameplay, but ill let it slide because its a first attempt. good job

ALSO one of the best spundtracks in a video game

still one of the best 2D platformers ever made. my biggest complaint is that it goes on for a little too long

meh. i mean, its good. but right up until the final boss, its very easy. idk, i enjoyed CD better

its not always the most interesting, but this is a very under-rated game. it has quite a few unique ideas, its level design is fun, and the animated cutscenes are beautiful even now. its not much about speed, however. it plays more like a giant pinball machine instead. its not quite as fun, but its still great. very colorful worlds, and a GOATED soundtrack. yeah, this is great

the game is BRIMMING with personality, its absolutely hilarious, and the movement systen feels SO good. its fantastic. the story is very stupid, and pretty much serves as a reason to move around. my main complaint: i encounter quite a few bugs throughout my playthrough. cutscenes not loading, softlocking the game, getting stuck in a building, audio not playing. nothing that completely ruined the experience, but it definitely didnt help. with some more polish, i think this would be a near-perfect experience. but its definitely one of my favorite games, in spite of its flaws

why did i replay this in 2022 lmao

this game, even after numerous patches, is still in a very sorry state. i have a 3080Ti, and 16 gigs of ram in my PC, and i still got frame rate issues and textures that refused to load in all the way. the game is poorly optimized to an absurd degree. the objectives you do in the game are also pitiful. you go to a bowling alley, grab one food item, and leave. go to the golf course, grab a security badge and camera, then leave. some quests are interesting and fun, but theres a lot of walking through a barren landscape. in a purely objective way, this game is not good

and yet, idk i had fun. subjectively speaking, i really enjoyed it. i wont blame anyone for hating it, or for thinking its the worse game ever. but i had fun. id give it a higher score if i was basing this off my own personal feelings


so i played this game on Dolphin in 1080p with mouse and keyboard. whatever

second playthrough really made me appreciate this game a lot more. its so well-made, so thought-out. its absolutely incredible. plus the optional hint system makes it an incredibly accessible Metroid game as well. but the atmosphere, the lore, the areas, the whole concept is executed so well. my biggest conplaint is the backtracking is a bit execessive at times. mainly in Phazon Mines, where you have to do a lot of platforming that can set you back a good bit if you arent careful. its not too bad and doesnt kill the experience. but yeah, great game overall, even today

i dont think i enjoyed the overall game as much as Earthbound, but its a different style of game. Earthbound is sillier, and this game is very serious. however, this game is insanely good. an incredible ending, lots of weirdness along the way, and memorable characters that are all incredibly well-written. i cant recommend it enough

theres some weird levels that arent fast at all, but most of the levels are pretty good. i like the aesthetic, the graphics, and the music slaps as always. its super short tho, even for my liking. good game tho. even when the boost trilogy is at its worst, its just meh


okay that was a good game. great story, fantastic music, genuinely enjoyable levels. i think sometimes its a bit too finicky? like the homing attack specifically, and bosses feel like they werent designed with the rhythm aspect in mind. but overall, a great game

also, as someone with a heart transplant myself, i love the representation