it feels less like a sequel and more like DLC to an already great game. nonetheless, galaxy 2 is pretty good. just not as good as the OG

definitely the weakest of the series due to solely relying on listening. not a bad game, but definitely held back because of its core mechanic

edit: its bad

builds off the previous game with some new mechanics, and is still pretty scary. i really like this one

its a pretty decent horror game, but gameplay is a bit stale. still pretty fun tho

if you forced an AI to make a Mario game, this is what you would get

its not bad but its not good either. no level is memorable, but theyre all well designed. too few powerups, but the ones on hand are good choices. its all so bland and sterile, and WAY too easy. its almost mindless. however, credit where credit is due, you do play as Super Mario in a 3D Land. it lived up to everything it promised, just not much else

while the switch version is clearly very poorly optimized, it personally didnt bother me too much. the game has a very weird appeal to it, similar to Battle for Bikini Bottom. if you like those old-school licensed video games, youll probably like this. its genuinely well made

dont get me wrong, its no Mario Odyssey or Crash 4, but its still surprisingly fun with a bit of challenge as well

overall a VERY strong wave, maybe my favorite so far. Yoshi’s Island is a strong contender for my favorite track in the whole game

really fun but, imo, too short and too easy. i havent 100% completed yet, but i def will. its really fun and i would recommend it

that was… SURPRISINGLY short

not hard, way too short, not even a great soundtrack, i wouldn’t recommend this game to anyone. however, its adorable, and i’ll probably replay it in the future

an above-mid tier game imo. its got some smart ideas and gorgeous graphics for a Game Boy Color game, but it falls flat in execution. the whole immunity system feels frustrating when you get knocked off a ledge over and over again. and the transformations, while a cool concept, feel more like a hinderance than a help

edit: i dont like it :/

a beautiful remaster. the reason im not giving it 5 stars is because the original team isnt credited properly. would be a 5/5 otherwise. one of my new favorite metroid games too. i grow to appreciate Metroid Prime more every time i replay it

edit: i changed it to a 5/5

i don't care what else comes out in 2023. this is my GOTY

my biggest gripe is that, after played Samus Returns and Dread, the aiming here is less than ideal. however, this is one of the best Metroid experiences out there and i strongly recommend you play it

didn’t 100% it this time

overall, probably one of my favorite 3D Mario’s. i appreciate it more and more every time i play it. even if you don’t like it, you have to admit it’s historical importance, and i think everyone should play it

my biggest gripe is the music. however, once i muted it and played Eurobeat, the game became an instant 10/10 for me personally. so much style and flair, a very simple yet addictive gameplay loop, and just very polished overall. i can't recommend this game enough