an upgrade in every way to the first one. and an absolutely great adventure as well. the bosses, level design, and new additions are all incredible. the story is super forgettable tho, but that can all be skipped, making the game a great time

the sprite work is absolutely gorgeous, and the new music sounds incredible. tho i would be lying if i said the game felt complete. the first few levels are brand new, and the later levels are all the original Super Mario Bros. still a banger game tho. excited for more updates

this game is so so good omg

first off, the presentation is top notch. all the different objects just look gorgeous, and it looks just really pleasant overall. the music is great, with this very upbeat and happy vibe on the title screen, and calm music in levels to help you focus

the levels themselves are really good. the Extreme levels are the ones that pose the most challenge. sometimes, they can be a bit too challenging, and feel pretty cheap. but they are, for the most part, really hard and fun. the regular levels have this perfect increase in difficulty without ever feeling Extreme. it’s great. a great game with a few frustrations along the way. one of the best mobile games made tho imo, and one that not enough people talk about

a LOT better than the crummy port they did. a very fun game, great controls, all the different characters play relatively similar while still standing out. it’s legit a good time. emulate it and play on your pc, just don’t play the new version. i kinda love this Sonic game

really fun game, a very simple platformer that doesn’t take a lot of bold moves but stays consistently fun. the end game is obnoxious tho, and i’d recommend you just play the main portion of the game. it’s a genuinely good time

this feels like Sonic but worse

the physics are AWFUL. Spark has way too much momentum, which makes him too slippery going down and too heavy going up. combat is mashy, but they clearly wanted to focus on it. and none of the levels are memorable. it’s carried hard by its aesthetic and music

a really fun and challenging game that, unfortunately, suffers from audio and visual bugs frequently. the gameplay is so solid tho, and the bugs so minor, it doesn’t detract from the experience too much

just as good as the base game, if not a little too easy?

a game so nice, i had to play it thrice! but this time on Dread Mode

the more i play this game, the more i appreciate what it does. it’s an instant classic and one of the best games Nintendo’s ever released tbh

a game so nice i had to play it twice

extremely minor performance issues aside, this game is perfect. literally peak Metroid. one of my favorite games ever made