i have mixed feelings about this one, but my opinions mostly are positive. if i rated the original N. Sane Trilogy on PS1, the overall score would probably be 4/5, so i do think this is unfortunately a downgrade

i do not like this art style. the designs are definitely more faithful to the original but the realistic textures throws everything off balance. nothing looks as appealing as it should. the original was very cartoony, and thats been thrown out for whatever theyre trying to do here

controls are improved over the original but only a little. Crash 1 is improved overall, but i think 2 and 3 have taken a hit in quality. id still recommend this simply because its more accessible but thats the only reason. also, forcing lives in a remake is a shame. Crash 4 fixed this by adding an Endless Lives Mode and it shouldve been added to this in an update

overall, enjoyable

why WERE their heads floating in a void?

read through some reviews and saw some pretty negative comments about this game. did we play the same thing???

Star Fox is a game i start often but have never actually finished. i dont like it when games dont let you save, so i had never been able to get through this entire game. admittedly its not very long, but still, im easily distracted

that being said, i had a lot of fun with this one. im super nostalgic for the first few levels, but everything past that was brand new to me. and tbh i get why people want Star Fox to come back. Nintendo wont do it but a proper sequel is what this franchise needs, not reboot after remaster after rerelease

my favorite game of all time is either this or Metroid Dread. just depends on which one i played last

you know what? im gonna say it. as someone who LIKED Security Breach, this is so much better because there aren’t immensely frustrating sections that make me wanna jump in a lake. it has that classic fnaf appeal too. doing the same thing over and over while also changing things up with new animatronics is CLASSIC fnaf. you got a new mask, you got a new wrench, you got maps with audio distractions. its got it all. the most major problem is the story, which feels cobbled together with no rhyme or reason. theres a twist in here thats just left unexplained for the Game Theorists. and graphically, the game is UGLY

next fnaf game SHOULD be made by Steel Wool 100%. but i think they should narrow it down. they are going for a big scope here, and i think shrinking the scope to make for a more focused and polished game would be better in the long run

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finally beat the whole thing and i can confidently say its the best game in the series yet. this will be a very long review so brace yourself. im gonna be reviewing each mode of the game in detail

main campaign: as a whole the campaign is fantastic. the holes from Pikmin 2 return, only this time they have a focus on puzzle-platforming rather than just killing a bunch of dudes over and over. it flows so much better than before. the bosses are fun, with new and returning ones as well. Groovy Long Legs is my favorite, but the Sovereign Bulblax is an amazing edition. the final boss, a giant dog helmed by Louie, is the best way to end this journey. this boss is incredibly difficult and has FIVE phases. the first four are a cakewalk compared to the final one, where he becomes a glow Pikmin and shoots instant-death fog at your Pikmin

Night Expeditions: these were easily my favorite part of the whole game. my only complaint is that theres not more of these. i would love an infinite mode that just spawns enemies forever, getting progressively bigger and harder

Dandori Challenges and Battles: these are polar opposite for me. the challenges are fun and engaging and very difficult. the battles, not so much. i dont DISLIKE the battles, but i wouldnt be upset if they werent in the game. the challenges, however, are amazing. lots of memorable challenges even tho they all have the same objective. the challenges in the Sage Leaf Trials are amazing. easily the best in the whole game. they are immensely difficult and tons of fun

Olimar's Shipwreck Tales: this is also one of my favorite aspects of the game. its essentially a reimagining of Pikmin 1 inside of Pikmin 4. it is also very challenging with lots of great puzzles. i especially love how you are only allowed to use reds, yellows, and blues

overall, this is my Game of the Year. im already planning on replaying it again after writing this review. ive been waiting ten years for this game and im proud to say it lived up to every expectation i had and more. buy Pikmin 4 please

still better than Hey Pikmin 💀

so, i went into this game WANTING to like it. i was hopeful. but its so bad guys, like so so bad. i literally stopped playing it and started playing the New Play versions of Pikmin 1 and 2 instead, even tho i had just beat them

not as good as the previous wave but still a very strong wave. the characters and Squeaky Clean Sprint are the highlights

i am unsure if this is the definitive edition or not. the audio is a little broken, theres no way to detonate the bomb rocks on your own, but the controls overall are significantly improved. im conflicted. i feel like i would play both versions depending on which one i was in the mood for

there are 10 days until Pikmin 4

imo the second best Pikmin game, only falling behind 2. it has gorgeous graphics, a wonderful soundtrack, the new Pikmin feel amazing to use, rock Pikmin are cute. the only bad part is that the Pikmin’s ai have digressed from 2. they arent nearly as smart when it comes to walking around walls and shit

i was coerced by twitter users to believe this game was bad and they all spewed LIES

me and my gf played this and i think she beat me

good game, i like the graphics👍