This review was written before the game released

Lots of good changes (mostly relating to gameplay) and also some steps back (mostly related to progression and cosmetics). The battle pass is begging me to make this a game I play every day, which is just not going to happen, and I'm going to feel less rewarded by the game overall with how stingy the cosmetic rewards are for the amount I play, which will make me play even less. I'll come back to check out new content as it releases, but there's a low chance I make significant progress on future season battle passes. The shop rotations also mean I usually don't even notice when cool skins get dropped (and 0 chance I'm buying them with real money anyway). On the positive side though, 5v5 is generally nice and I like most of the changes throughout the cast. Orisa in particular went from my least favorite hero in the game to one of my most commonly picked tanks. Unfortunately, they also essentially deleted my main, Doomfist, and replaced him with an unfun shell of his former self in a role I don't enjoy as much. Overall, it's still a game I'll play here and there, both with friends and solo when the mood strikes, though I'll probably not get as much of a tangible in-game reward out of each play session, so maybe that'll wane. Still looking forward to new heroes and PvE down the road, and hoping feedback will be taken to heart on progression and cosmetics. The actual gameplay feels as good or better than ever, for the most part.

Reviewed on Nov 20, 2022
