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it's not that i don't like the themes of this game or i felt blueballed - i like the lessons that we shouldn't run away from our responsibilities, and that sometimes there aren't these grand conspiracies out there against you. my issue with firewatch is more how those themes were told, and that the game seemed to often just hinder my experience and get in the way of that.

my favourite part of this game was the first half, where i settle into my role as a lookout and develop chemistry with delilah. having fun conversations with deliliah and exploring the world was legitimately enjoyable! Even learning the small gameplay mechanics we get introduced to (e.g. camera, rope) was cool

But in the later half, the gameplay starts to feel like it's just restricting my progression in the story. hiking across the map to find where i need to go so the plot continues gets tedious, even with this mysterious plot looming over me. i encountered several bugs that required restarting the day or reloading saves, which can be really immersion-breaking in a walking simulator where you really feel like you're hiking. i get that the hiking is an intentional choice, but it did start to feel like i was just being led where to go each time, waiting for plot breadcrumbs. it's to the point where you wonder why this even is a game and not just a movie

also, halfway through the game it becomes obvious you basically won't see anyone's face. this is obviously a developer choice, but it doesn't really come off as thought-provoking, it's more like "oh yeah, that's what the game's going to do" as the game finds new reasons for you not to see anyone's face. it's a cool idea that could be executed better

speaking of better execution, i feel that the game actually would have benefited from more moments of bonding with delilah, and other characters (probably julia). the game skips over those assumed moments of continued chemistry-building once we went past the first week or so, which is understandable, but those are the best parts of the game, especially in a story game where all you do is bond with one person! maybe more tidbits from your real life too - more "protrusions" of this life you've placed your feet into

i wanted to like firewatch more than i did, especially as someone who would agree with the lessons heavily. i think at the core and the first half we have a great experience that could have really led to something more

Reviewed on Oct 06, 2022


it's called firewatch because you watch the fire!!
finally, games are for adults now