A really solid RPG that I got to support my local gamedev scene (Chile) so I'm glad that it was as enjoyable as it was. Solid story and solid game balance. The latter's exception may just be the final boss, but, also, I think that may be alright(?) when I consider the plot at that point (and the extremely overpowered sniper you can get for Rourke lmao). The rest of the bosses sometimes felt like a struggle for my life despite not losing once against them, a feeling I think is great when it is about a boss in this type of story in particular. So, just an overall very consistent and very fun game with fun chracters whom I all felt close to my heart by the end.

I also appreciate the distinct lack of any direct/mentioned romantic tension between any of the characters, just all friends part of the same rebellious group. As an aroace person it was fun seeing a story kinda discard those notions altogether.

Maybe my two other gripes, one silly and one kinda serious, is that you can't pet the animals, while the other is that I hoped that you didn't get to choose who to hang out the few times it prompted you to, it kinda made me not care as much about certain characters compared to the ones I got to spend time with, but, also, that's just kinda how life is while being chased by the embodiment of the worldwide military industrial complex controlled by empires as it creates excuses to start wars sometimes! So maybe this complaint is also a little silly.

edit: i can't believe i originally wrote jrpg instead of rpg lmao brain is completely consumed by The Rot

Reviewed on Dec 02, 2023


6 months ago

Nunca pense encontrar a alguien de Chile aqui :)

6 months ago

holi :3