I was going to wait until I finished the game to write a review for it as I've done with every other game in my profile so far, but I don't care anymore. Curse of Darkness is a game that had me smiling from cheek to cheek thanks to its soul.

It has issues, like areas that are very flat with long corridors since the team insisted on trying the 3D search action thing again, combat not being as polished or versatile compared to its contemporaries, or the story just being kinda there; but man, it does. not. matter.

This is a game where you can tell the whole team was having fun in the process. You can use your Giant familiar to play bowling with some statues and clear a secret path, you need to sit on every chair in the game in order to achieve 100% completion and there's an entire room dedicated to showcasing said chairs, you can craft a special weapon that QUITE LITERALLY lets you become Bomberman, dozens upon dozens of joke weapons that may not be very useful but BY GOD they're there! They're there. The world of modern gaming NEEDS more joke weapons, please.

The soundtrack is easily one of the best in the franchise, the voice acting and cutscene direction got a huge upgrade from Lament, the stealing system adds a nice layer of interaction with enemies that rewards you for approaching fights in different ways... There's so much soul here. So much love and ambition. Even if it's not the most carefully designed game ever, it has a burning passion that you'd be hard pressed to find in so many other titles, old or new.

And that ultimately decides how you'll feel about Curse of Darkness. If you're looking for a polished action-exploration game with deep, intricate mechanics and a compelling narrative, you won't find it here; but if you just wanna sit back, relax, button mash your way through hordes of demons with your pet buddies, checking off all sorts of silly shit from the crafting and chair lists, all while listening to some of Michiru Yamane's most underrated compositions? This is absolutely the game for you.

Now if you'll excuse me, I gotta go back to working my way to 100%, god damn is this game fun.

Little update (18/10): 100%'d it! All I'll say is: Pumpkin for life.

Reviewed on Oct 15, 2023


7 months ago

Mortvia Fountain's theme my beloved..

7 months ago

@seymourflux It's SOOOO GOOD! Easily one of the most unique themes in all of Castlevania.