wolf among us was one of the first games i played back in highschool big B is my fav character i still think its a great game can't wait for season 2

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so i finished all the routes of the game since season 2 is coming out this year i want to state my opinions i really like it i think its a great game the romance is also good as well it makes you cry so fucking much i nearly cried

now who do i personally like tetua with? thats limbo for sure here's why i see scarcrow and her as siblings i love there friendship its so cute, i love her and mozu but its more i feel bad for him same thing as helvectia, i see shu as a protective dad, but with limbo its way different the way they act towards each other is so different i just love it plus in the finale route in full circle when he was checking if she was okay it made me cry man

now lets talk about routes this is the order i did

limbo: i really loved limbo's it dif shows his views on justice as a detective and what happened at the time and his romance with teuta was cute like i really loved it limbo is the type of guy that bottles up his emotions so he needs someone like teuta to lean on

mozu: i really loved his route it was super sad like i said i felt sad for him i do like him and teuta together but the problem is that i felt they got together too fast like he just lost his sister i feel he needs to heal before getting into a relationship if i was in charge of it i would wait until season 2 at least until he's ready but overall it was great but i didn't like his side B

scarcrow: i liked his route but i didn't get the split personality thing

shu: his was so good like i said i see him as a dad but i can see them being cute but man i became a simp over yang why dose he not have a route? we need one!!! i know season 2 won't give us one but i'm praying we do

helvectia: i felt bad for his route it was so sad poor dude it was so good

now lets talk about adam man i felt he was done dirty he didn't deserve that man he deserves a route man like poor man why you do this to him game?

can't wait for season 2 now i feel like its going to get better compared to season 1