imagine mk3 but way way worse
that's exactly what this is

there's something broken in every aspect of this game
the presentation is butt ugly across the board and this is not because of the system it's on
there are backgrounds that are so pixelated you're only gonna know the details if you've played mk3 before
the character sprites don't look much better, there are a LOT of animation frames cut out that result in movesets that look extremely jank no matter what you're doing
the music is bland as fuck and the sound effects are just completely borked
punch landing sounds aren't consistent, and when you do hear them they're the most stock effects you can think of

the gameplay is completely broken
everything is simplified as expected, this isn't really the issue
the issue is that the cooldown for specials feels nonexistent, which means that you can spam the ever loving fuck out of whatever is in your kit
which sounds funny at least, but in reality if you're just playing on your own you're gonna be dealing with the ai repeatedly throwing out whatever move of theirs is most broken to spam and just completely obliterating you with it
you can counter this by walking forward and pressing the punch button repeatedly
this is not consistent on the hardest difficulty but it is very consistent on the default medium
enemies will just walk backwards, hit the wall and you can lock them into blocking
taking chip
unblocking and just eating the punch
and then doing nothing on wakeup except eat more punches
this carried me to the centaur cunt who quite literally prevented me from doing anything on a couple tries
turns out letting bosses spam specials is extremely broken
who would have thought

the story behind this game's release is interesting enough to go look up, and some of the stupid shit you can do as a result of the game being utterly fucked is funny to see
but this is easily the most frustratingly bad fighting game i've played before
it's not the worst, but it's the one that pissed me off the most
and even if it's not THE worst, it's certainly one of them

there is better mk to be had on the gba, ignore this title

Reviewed on Jul 11, 2023
