From it's very first hour, Yakuza 0 has managed to capture my interest thanks to its masterful combination of a captivating story with over-the-top humor. However, its lack of streamlining does get in the way of enjoyment for those wanting to get into its bizarre and action-filled tale.

Firstly, the combat is simply stellar! Each encounter is flashy, and it's quite satisfying to pummel the numerous enemies to a bloody pulp (even if we're supposed to think that they're still alive, even after breaking their spines using a bicycle). I also love the way they've handled the encounters, acting like a random encounter in an RPG game.

The wacky side stories are also another unique feature that makes Yakuza 0 such a fun game to experience. From helping a sweet girl act like a dominatrix to helping a little kid get his stolen video game back by following a trail of numerous thieves, there's a lot here that will sure to make you laugh out loud.

It's a shame, though, that despite all of Yakuza 0's great strengths, it still plays like a game from the PS2 era due to its lack of streamlining. Simply the act of buying an item or healing requires numerous back-and-forth in the menu. The different presentation styles are also worth noting as one of the game's weakest aspects, as it's often quite jarring whenever it switch to another.

I also didn't care that much for the open world aspect of the game, as I found it to be too claustrophobic and limiting for my liking.

Maybe someday I'll get to return to the wacky world of Yakuza 0, but for now, its niche style is just not something I'm ready to experience fully.

Reviewed on Nov 08, 2023
