🎮 Platform: PC
⌚ Time to finish - 5h
🏆Trophy completion - 54% - 2 trophies bugged out so I should be more like 75%
🤬Difficulty - Hard! Would have taken HOURS more had I not used a guide. I was stuck so much and the game gives very little clues and no map. I was always lost. I hate being lost in games...
🌄Graphics – fine its pixel art.
🌦 Atmosphere/Music – Enjoyed the music and the characters in game saying quirky things. The game has a unique atmosphere as it breaks the "4th wall".
📚 Main Story / Characters – Story was typical world ending, robots becoming sentient, main char on a save the world mission... sorry did not connect.... but there are some interesting 4th wall things they do that are completely atypical. Those were pretty cool. Really the game is about experiencing those. I wish I wasn't always so lost that it took forever to get to those moments.
🤺 Combat – none
🧭 Side Activities / Exploration – buggy. I did not get 2 trophies that i did.
🚗 Movement/Physics – fine
📣 Voice acting – none
🥇 Best thing about the game - 4th wall things they do. Haven't seen other games do it.
👎 Worst thing about the game - being lost and not enough clues given. For a puzzle, exploration game, they lack some basic things to point you in the right direction.
💡Final Thoughts:

I guess if you enjoy being lost and trial and error on what to do next, you are probably fine with this game. If you hate being lost, this game is not for you. I only gave it a 2 stars because I used a guide to get me past. If I did not use a guide this would have been a 1 star game.

I think people are Overweighting the 4th wall stuff, and the emotional connection you build to the main character Niko, which does happen. IMO game play itself is not very interesting, run around in circles everywhere, trial and error things, run around some more and hope story moves forward since you have no CLUE what to do next. Sure sometimes subtle cues are given but its not enough. The map is dark a lot so its hard to see where you are going.

I can't help think if this game should have been made the way Limbo/Inside were made, it would have been a much better way to tell their story. I get RPG maker probably has some limitations.

Reviewed on May 28, 2022


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