🎮 Platform: PS5
⌚ Time to finish - 14h
🏆Trophy completion - 62%
🤬Difficulty - felt easy. I played on hard and did not find any issues with the game. Most of the time I could clear waves and plan out how i wanted to attack. The game does get you to use all abilities and I did not use the same 3 button combo over and over again. I found fire element to be the strongest for my play style.
🌄Graphics – Great graphics and still hold up today, especially on remaster. This game is just so epic and how it presents scale, amazing. The animations are smooth, its awesome to look at. Of course its not going to look like Ghost of Tshushima.
🌦 Atmosphere/Music – I felt so bad ass in this game. I felt like Kratos in their world. Loved it! The music is absolutely amazing. The chanting of Kratos' name and the crescendo of orchestra. I felt such like a bad ass. AMAZING music !
📚 Main Story / Characters – Its fine its a revenge story. As usual I had trouble keeping up with the details but I got the over all gist and didn't care. I just want to go kill the next god.
🤺 Combat – This game has some of the best combat of any game. C'mon who doesn't want to scale Gaia and take on Greek gods! Who doesn't want to face 1vs1 Hercules and beat his ass? Every fight in this game is A+ and epic. God damn, just righting this review I want to play it again. The game also introduces different elemental blades, they were fun to play with and i did end up switching here and there based on what I needed but overall stuck to fire. I got familiar with all his moves and used them as i needed. I believe you can probably get through the game mashing but why....
🧭 Side Activities / Exploration – did not do the collection trophies and the arena trophies. The ones I did collect were fun and some of them required skill so I had to try a few times. Arena trophies are too hard and known to be luck based, and will suck out any joy I had in this game. The puzzles in game were great too. It never felt cheap and everything can be figured out on your own with exploration.
🚗 Movement/Physics – Fluid, awesome. Scaling monsters, climbing walls.
📣 Voice acting – AWESOMEEEE. So much angst in Kratos voice. He doesn't give a crap about anything and it shows!
🥇 Best thing about the game - Epic combat and music. Immersion, Adrenaline pumping. The opening of this game is one of the best in any video game history. Somehow it manages to start that high and still keep it that high the entire game!
👎 Worst thing about the game - none. I donno doesn't last forever?
💡Final Thoughts:

This game builds on everything in 1 and 2 and makes it even better. The graphics updates make the immersion that much better. The music, the fights, the boss battle direction, the variety, this game is a masterpiece and a must play. I love god of war series so maybe I am a little biased but don't care. I had so much fun! This game makes me feel so god damn bad ass. Played this on my road to complete all the GOW games before GOW 2018. I am slowly building up to it!

Reviewed on May 28, 2022
