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Entering the world of Kinopin one gets greeted by several difficulties and having played lots of first person shooters before, one might mistakenly go for something above normal after which the first thug will promptly explore the depths of their rear end. After swallowing their pride and turning the difficulty back to the supposed intended experience, the first thug will probably STILL make for a roadblock, making the player use their god given sands of time on f6, f8, f9 or whatever the fuck it's bound to. The goal clearly being to drive in the feeling of a cruel, dog eat dog world; one where you'd have to scavenge for dosh to survive and hire other thugs to protect your skin. This beginning is my favorite part of the whole thing; the alleyways feeling oddly immersive and my gun doing fuck all honestly reminded me of Deus Ex. And I suppose the really awkward pushing and pulling of boxes to get inside vents would also make some call for the ayy murs eve sim comparisons. Shortly after getting the shotgun the whole thing becomes easier as John Kingpin starts shredding thugs in run down apartment complexes (bit that reminded me of Max Payne somewhat). Allies that you hire have surprisingly good AI, better than I expected for sure, at least in the parts where they climb and jump over obstacles, really made me contemplate why many modern games can't pull it off as well. But when all is said and done, Kingpin isn't really that fun to play even though it is interesting. You mow down thugs, the gunplay ranges from boring to fine depending on weaponry and the whole thing is over in about 6 hours. You can buy upgrades at the shop but this fucker never has what I want I swear, so while unique for the time not a feature worth so much praise. No clue what the story was really about, they said fuck a lot which I liked. Never again, however, will I take having more than one track in a game's OST for granted, and even more so having the same track play again over itself after entering another area. May be an issue of myself not patching the thing proper(?) and if it's just a quirk I'm sure the 2023 remaster has fixed it already (HAHA).