I was on the Fallout 4 train, it being my first Fallout game but after playing New Vegas, heads were turned, love the game, graphics are alright, gameplay and combat is fairly decent, but I just like the random encounters and out of the blue missions given to you, my idea for this game was straight "Lord Death of Murder Mountain" with the most silly stats I could of given myself, unlike Fallout 3, NV accounts for your stats and you can see them being used properly during the game, but it isn't too OP like in Fallout 4 where a basic 10mm Pistol could 1 shot a Alpha Deathclaw, pretty cool game, can't wait to finish it.
S - 10
P - 1
E - 7
C - 1
I - 1
A - 10
L - 10
try it and your life will be changed, be ruthless, have 0 sympathy, only seek reward.

Reviewed on Jun 02, 2024
