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Time Played


Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

June 18, 2023

First played

June 16, 2023

Platforms Played


It's a weird experience but it's also a pretty good one. I didn't mind the fact that it's a very dated shooter because the gameplay is alright enough for me to still care about what's going on.

My only gripe is that the most notable moment (the white phosphorus setpiece) is not very earned, like at all. The ladder that you have to go down after isn't shown that well so, unless I'm just missing the point, I don't feel like that's very deserved. You are guided into believing that's what you have to do which takes away from the power of it a little bit. I think there are points that do what it tries to much better, like after Lugo dies and you're surrounded by civilians, you can actually make a conscious choice to not mow them all down and just shoot your gun in the air which I think is a much better alternative as a scene that's supposed to make you think about what you're doing.

There's a lot of small details that I like a lot, like how combat dialogue turns from being regular COD "Enemy KIA!" to "FUCKERS DOWN!!!!!!!!" as you progress further and Walker starts slowly losing his sanity

But yeah I mean, it's pretty good