it's good. apparently it's getting reviewbombed on steam for being crazy unoptimized (which it is, my 4060 is regularly dropping to 40fps, which is not a fault of my gpu, it doesn't happen in the base game). personally though, i would have given this 10/10 if not for the last portion (as in everything after messmer and the ruins) being a bloodborne-tier lategame fumble. from the start, the exploration is pretty rewarding, the new weapons and whatever look fun to use and you get enough smithing stones to make giving them a try seem pretty appealing. i am stuck between liking and absolutely despising the levelling system that's introduced with the fragments. on the one hand it's nice that the difficulty of the thing scales with you, and you need to collect the fragments to not get fucked, but it's also not so nice that you need to collect the fragments to not get fucked considering there are 50 of them. if they cut that number in half i would be fine with it, but if you happened to not organically find them, you're going to need to use a guide and go through each location checklisting it off so you don't get oneshot and deal 0 damage to the last boss. this obviously wasn't a very good experience. past that, i do really enjoy a lot of the more linear legacy dungeons as people are calling them (with the exception of the literal last one smiley face), the enemies are definitely designed with either stealth or direct confrontation in mind. if you try to run past them their attacks will catch you, and you will be sad. the main enemy that comes to mind is the mage in the shadow keep that has the homing fire attacks. i think it's fine because it is incentivizing you to interact with the levels in more ways than one, which is a positive thing.

the remembrance bosses are pretty good, mostly. the lion, rellana and messmer are fucking amazing and i loved every second of fighting them. the scarlet rot bug thing is very yucky but it has clear weaknesses so i didn't mind. but, the big one, the last one, which i'm not going to name because it's spoilers, is so fucking disgustingly designed. the first phase is actually very good and is a genuinely nice experience with a good flow and clear points of attack with timings that can be understood after going through them enough times. but jesus fucking christ, that phase 2 is abysmal. i haven't had to spend more than 3-4 hours on a fromsoft boss in 3 years. this one, took me over 12 hours of playtime to finally beat. i genuinely felt the need to summon for this fight, i have never done that in any fromsoft title i've ever played out of respect to my skill level (and later decided against it because no one knows how to beat this boss yet anyway). the attacks make your fps drop significantly, the aoe does insane amounts of damage, the holy follow-up attacks to the regular attacks are incredibly inconsistent to dodge properly. not to mention the fact that he has 30 thousand health, and you have a boss that is genuinely frustrating to fight. i don't think i'll be returning to that fight to beat him again anytime soon (even though my strategy which i ripped from some dude on youtube who uploaded his run of the fight is probably the best and most consistent one, here's the thing if you're curious: this is not a problem of skill, this is a problem of design, and i sincerely hope that fromsoft does not take the praise of this dlc and come to the conclusion that bosses like this are enjoyable. this fucking thing makes malenia and elden beast look like jokes, and that's not a good thing. i have no problem with high difficulty, this entire dlc is high difficulty. but when you add shit design to high difficulty, you have a pretty big problem.

as for the ending, i'm gonna be honest it's genuinely one of the most underwhelming things i've ever seen in my entire life. full stop, it's so short that i don't even have any complex thoughts to give on the subject. i was already not rocking with the whole femboy incest shit, but like, come on man.

overall, it's a great dlc that is brought down by it not being able to make it to the finish line. if you stopped it as messmer i would say it was a 10/10. unfortunately, we live in the timeline where the last 15% of the game made it to the final release. i do really like this dlc on a personal level, but i was given such intense whiplash that i can't help but have my opinion of it more than a little soured.

Reviewed on Jun 22, 2024

1 Comment

5 days ago

I've been at the final boss for a while and I really don't think it's that bad tbh. I made the switch to light rolling and the second phase is now slightly more manageable. Still have yet to beat it tho LOL I don't know whether I'll need to summon or not but right now it feels like he's kind of on the edge of the point where it starts being too hard to be fun.