I enjoyed this both more and less than I expected. it's a great game to pick up if you are not experienced with or into crpgs. I was not sure of the combat, to begin with, but I found it really enjoyable all throughout, even though some parts of it felt fairly unnecessary, such as grimoires and the scrolls, at least at the difficulty I played at. but I wasn't ever getting annoyed and felt like I could overcome most challenges, even if the game was not really difficult. My main problem with the game is that there is just a crushing amount of lore. I love fantasy and adequate amounts of lore, but at the old ancient age of 22, I find it really difficult to get all the details. when you don't even call humans, "humans" in your story it is a sign of starting to go too far. the journal does heavy lifting but still moments in dialogue just go over my head 80 percent of the time. luckily the main throughline of the story was interesting and felt like it connected to other side stories, especially with your party who are all wonderful and have interesting stories, some of whom even fairly touching. I'm sure the extensive amount of lore is interesting and written in excruciating detail, and the bits and pieces I got are interesting and stray from generic fantasy, and it's impressive considering the smaller budget of the game. I guess it's just not for me at this point. still had a fun 30 hours with this and would recommend it as a testing place for modern crpgs.

Reviewed on Sep 05, 2023
