It feels good to finally have gotten around to finishing the main story of this game. I've had it about 1/3rd complete for quite a while but never found the drive to go back and finish, until recently. What an adventure it was, and I'm not even close to being "done" with the game either.

Of note, I thought the combat was alright but has shown some age. Late game you DEPEND on enchantments or else combat just feels way too spongy and repetitive. Speaking of repetitive things, the Oblivion Gates got very old, VERY quick. The loop was the exact same, and the quest to convince the holds to help Bruma made this even worse as I hadn't closed a lot of them leading up to it so I had a lot of catching up.

I will say, I never thought I would enjoy the immersion of being a vampire; but it was a fun twist from how I normally play Skyrim. There was a LOT of waiting around for night though, which was slightly annoying at times, but the strength and stat bonuses made up for it. Once I tie up Shivering Isles and Dark Brotherhood I think I'm going back to Morrowind as well!

Reviewed on Dec 05, 2023
