While the minigames aged like milk, the core platforming/stealth gameplay holds up well. Sly's moveset is a little limited at the beginning, but as you grab collectibles you expand what he can do. Most of the abilities have a use that allow alternative ways of solving problems, such as the Dive allowing you to be more aggressive against some enemies or the smoke bomb to take people out from far away. The models look a little aged but the art style still looks good. Overall my biggest problem with the game are the minigames, some of which feel very half-baked and I just want to get back to the strong core gameplay of swinging, sneaking, and collecting.

Undeniably juvenile, but the humor does land at times (your main character is a shirtless bully, being toxic to most people he comes across) if you can appreciate the humor of a middle schooler. Some quality of life features have been added, such as alternate ways to evolve trade evolution Pokemon, additions of Gen 2 and Gen 3 Pokemon, and some surprise curveballs in the main game (altered routes requiring you to visit cities in a different order). Definitely the best "edgy" romhack I've played, but that's not a high bar to clear.

Mildly amusing, but overall not very funny and not very well designed. It's still fire red and throws a couple interesting curve balls but play My Ass instead if you want Fire Red with juvenile humor.

It's honestly not a great game, but I still think it's worth playing to get a glimpse at another time. CAWPS is a snapshot of the romhacks that focused on humor instead of meaningful gameplay changes. While it's extremely juvenile, it's also an interesting piece of history (it's also better than Korosu and Outlaw, Crizzle's other hacks) along with Snakewood and My Ass Version. I recommend trying it out to see how far the Romhacking Community has come.