I first started playing Minesweeper in school during the more boring lessons. This pastime activity quickly turned into a destructive habit that let me feel the pain of addiction without having to consume any psychoactive drugs. Every time I am in front of my screen and zoning out just a little bit, I catch myself pressing CTRL + N, typing "min" in the chrome tab, and pressing enter, all in the matter of a split second. Obviously, with this big of a habit, the gameplay changed a lot too. Now it wasn't about solving the minefield, but about doing it as fast as possible. At the time of writing this, my personal highscore lies at 65 seconds (I'll update my current pb's at the end of this review). Such a time isn't possible with logical thinking though. To accomplish such a thing, many possible constellations of colorful numbers and their solutions have to already be engraved in your brain, so you don't have to think about the clicks you're doing. This is the perfect setup for a never-ending flowstate. The only time, I am torn out of this parallel dimension is when my eyes are starting to burn from not blinking for ten minutes.

Overall great game, can't recommend it enough.
However, if your future plans are forming a family and having an actual career, don't even think about touching this game.

Minesweeper Personal Bests

Beginner - 2s (?)
Intermediate - 21s (19.07.2022)
Expert - 53s (15.12.2023)

Expert (No Flag) - 82s (19.07.2022)

Reviewed on Feb 07, 2021


3 years ago

I don't even need to type "min" now... Just "m".

3 years ago

God, this was intense to read