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Still maintain that this is the superior version, for all its obscenely weird and broken pacing and item placement. Not even a randomizer mod could come up with some of the absolute batshit ideas these developers thought counted as "good ideas".

Always have had a soft spot for this weird little curiosity, though obviously not enough to engage with the full game. Still, as a strange short tone poem, it really does establish its weird puzzle-box world fairly well with its very modest resources.

Perhaps my biggest surprise in recent memory, even though in hindsight there's a lot that should excite me (Respawn Games, "Souls" influence, plenty of functionally useless aesthetic customization). And despite the trappings of the Star Wars license, it still manages to do something with it that isn't just a repeat of what the movies have already covered. If the sequel smooths over some of the more awkward elements than they might really have something on their hands.