4 Reviews liked by sequel

my U.S. Military LARPing cousins got this for christmas in like 2009 and they played this for like a whole year straight and thoroughly obsessed over it, and talked about nothing except this game for weeks on end. i could do nothing but watch them play this for hours to the point where i have every single mission, setpiece, and line of dialogue hot-iron branded onto my frontal lobe. they grew up to be tinfoil hat q-anon maga chuds. one of them is now a marine and posts snapchats making jokes about drone striking arabs. fuck this game

would have gotten another .5 if Patsy and or Artie were in the game. you go to Vesuvio multiple times too! the only fun thing is just interacting with npcs and seeing all the dialogue the game has to offer. very much looks like new jersey, i'm impressed with how visually good this game is. perhaps the worst game in the Yakuza franchise

only childhood memory of this game is when my grandfather called the front cover "unholy" and wouldnt let me buy it