4 reviews liked by shimigama

Trying to tell people why I like this game is like trying to tell people you only go to hooters for the food.

Cool game and all, but funny how they waited a month to reveal the microtransaction Tekken shop instead of announcing it at launch. Surely they didn't hide it to bump up review scores, right?
(But genuinely whyyy did they do this, they have much better pricing than SF6 and MK1 and would have been fine if they were up front about it, its the fact that they hid it that's so scummy to me.)

Edit: Lol, lmao
They did the street fighter thing where costumes cost $4 in the shop but you can only buy the premium currency at $5. Also they have single use items (ie fireworks) that cost real money too, arguably worse than what MK1 and SF6 are doing somehow. Not to mention still not fixing one of the games biggest issues - rage quitting - despite pretty much every other fighting game having solved it?

Edit: They're also charging for a battle pass that, just like SF6, has basically nothing worth the cost on it. I'm not surprised but I am disappointed. Plugging problems have not been fixed, recent patches have been widely maligned by players that actually know jack about high level Tekken, so I'm inclined to believe that those arguments are valid.

A diamond in the rough. Controls a bit loose, and the games design contributes to somewhat unneccesary levels of difficulty this game can stomp into you, but yet... It's wildly creative, colorful, dark and action packed with a lot to offer. A genre bending horror disguised as a Ninja game. Its brilliant and a lot of fun.

Also, if you're in the mood for booze on a retro game night. Make someone chug a beer or take a shot everytime they die. See how far you make it!