Not as good as the first one.
Also, why is Ushiwakamaru in this game? Isn't Melty supposed to be Tsukihime characters only?

My introduction into PC gaming.
What a masterpiece

I have an unmatchable love for this game

Just met Kaine, need to finish it

Despite what everyone says, this game isn't that great.
Yes I will probably be hated for this
but it's not all that

"This is for the record.
History is written by the victors.
History is filled with liars.
If we die and he lives, his truth is written, while ours is lost."
"Shepard will be a war hero."

To this day one of my favourite 2-D fighters. One of the games I have played the most

I understand why it's loved.
I didn't get into it that much, but I understand.

The greatest Sonic game to be released.

At the time, amazing game, amazing community, amazing vibe.
Now? Absolutely horrible.

I hate this game.
Not because of it's amazing story.
Not because of it's amazing soundtrack.
Not because of it's amazing boss fights.
But because of the fact that majority of players will use Youtube to complete this game.
If a game requires you to look for other resources, that already brings it down a few marks.
But yes, Elden Ring is fucking amazing. That's my only gripe.