Log Status






Time Played

11h 40m

Days in Journal

4 days

Last played

August 14, 2023

First played

August 10, 2023

Platforms Played


a very fun and at times baffling game that i'm glad exists and glad isn't the direction the series as a whole is continuing in.

love the mobility options. super satisfying to fly and bounce around enemies and do all the fun juggling/grappling/ground slamming stuff. some of the enemies are frustrating as hell and slow the pace down by a ton, though. And again, as is tradition with the devil may cry series, flying enemies are a pain in the ass. We gotta stop doing them. There has never been an enemy in a dmc game that can fly and is fun to fight. The closest we got was the sin scissor in dmc1 and they're only "fun" because they easily explode to one shotgun blast. Please me and dante don't wanna deal with these bozos.

the story is very stupid. can totally understand someone hating it. but after the first couple missions it developed a certain charm to me. the dynamics between dante, kat, and vergil are genuinely pretty good! the writing is loud and obnoxious with some sleazy undertones at times, but the social commentary is so blatant and straightforward and unique among dmc titles that it becomes quite entertaining. heard lots of people say the writing is cringey because it "tries too hard to be cool," but I choose to believe it's at least mostly tongue-in-cheek. this is the most punk rock (in a very early 2010s way) game in the series, and it's made by a western dev -- I should hope it's also the most loud and annoying devil may cry!