really really solid metroidvania. feels a lot like dread, though not as good (very few games could be as good as dread). first phase of the last boss was annoying and after a while it felt a little repetitive just mashing square through every fight but it's not too short and you feel fast and powerful and I'd like capcom to make another one!

This is what I'm talking about baby. Some really obtuse puzzle moments in the latter half and the layouts could get confusing, but the first half unfolds so smoothly and the gameplay improvements for both sneaking and boss fights make for a fun experience. This game really holds up; it just feels good to play. It's fascinating how many elements Metal Gear Solid reuses and tweaks from MG2 to become one of the best games ever and I think the franchise really flourishes in 3D, but this is definitely still worth playing.

had more depth than I was expecting and certainly has some tropes of the series/genre down, but damn it took a lot of patience and induced some slight insanity as I stayed up really late to finish

Greatest game of all time. No contest. A masterpiece and the crown jewel of my favorite series.

a very fun and at times baffling game that i'm glad exists and glad isn't the direction the series as a whole is continuing in.

love the mobility options. super satisfying to fly and bounce around enemies and do all the fun juggling/grappling/ground slamming stuff. some of the enemies are frustrating as hell and slow the pace down by a ton, though. And again, as is tradition with the devil may cry series, flying enemies are a pain in the ass. We gotta stop doing them. There has never been an enemy in a dmc game that can fly and is fun to fight. The closest we got was the sin scissor in dmc1 and they're only "fun" because they easily explode to one shotgun blast. Please me and dante don't wanna deal with these bozos.

the story is very stupid. can totally understand someone hating it. but after the first couple missions it developed a certain charm to me. the dynamics between dante, kat, and vergil are genuinely pretty good! the writing is loud and obnoxious with some sleazy undertones at times, but the social commentary is so blatant and straightforward and unique among dmc titles that it becomes quite entertaining. heard lots of people say the writing is cringey because it "tries too hard to be cool," but I choose to believe it's at least mostly tongue-in-cheek. this is the most punk rock (in a very early 2010s way) game in the series, and it's made by a western dev -- I should hope it's also the most loud and annoying devil may cry!

This is a really incredible half of a game. The gameplay itself is fantastic, it feels like the series finally hit its full stride here. It takes everything that was established for dante in 3 and tweaks it to further prioritize fluidity and experimentation; letting the player change dante's style on the fly in combat rather than at a divinity statue might be one of, if not the best, design decision the devil may cry series has ever made. That focus on making player options more open applies to the ability to refund and rearrange skills (which, even if I never used because it's pretty easy to get enough souls to buy just about everything, is pretty cool). Nero doesn't feel too different to play but it's just enough to make him interesting, especially how the devil bringer offers a totally new toolset to create combos with a unique rhythm.

It's too bad that halfway through the game you realize you've actually seen basically the whole game and now you're just going to be doing it all again in reverse. The bosses, on the whole, are pretty good: maybe a little too easy at times, but still fun to fight. I didn't think they were quite as good after learning that there's only, like, six of them, and you fight almost all of them twice. Not to mention, they're all pretty much pushovers when you get dante's bigger moveset. A really odd choice that must have been because of time constraints, because otherwise I just don't get it.

It's just not the complete package that dmc 3 is. It feels amazing, it looks amazing, it's really good, it just seems a little... underbaked in the mission count and boss designs. I'm not sure how well it'll lend itself to replays, since one playthrough already felt like two. Still a good entry, solid follow-up to 3, makes me even more excited to start 5.

sometimes a boss (nevan, vergil 2 & 3) would make me want to tear my hair out until suddenly it all clicks on the third or fifth or eighth attempt and i'm seeing the code like neo in the matrix. felt a certain high after completing the final boss that i haven't felt in a game in a while. nothing else like it

dull bosses, dull environments, dull story, dante looks very cool but he doesn't get to be all that cool. it's mercifully short. still not mercifully short enough probably. i did like doing infinite backflips and handsprings and cartwheels, though

nightmare's a good name for that boss. fuck that thing. that one part in the opening when sparda does a flying kick out of nowhere in front of the flames is raw.

a game where you play as a boy who literally loses his childhood years to destiny and the horrors of war but also gets a cool magnifying glass that lets him cheat at gambling and everyone either falls in love with him or names their kid after him

certainly considered a few things

the second time i've completed this game and my only complaint is that i wish it was just a little longer

Fun art style, simple but effective combat, and some really solid boss fights. There's not a ton of enemy variety, a few non-boss encounters felt frustrating at times, and the post-game is underwhelming, but overall I'm glad I picked this one up and it was still satisfying to see that 100% on my save file