This game has a more developed antagonist than Sonic Forces.


Fun but also way harder than I remember it being as a kid. Like Tetris except you launch meteo(r)s at people except not like Tetris at all.

My son Rathalos who has every disease.
But seriously this is a very fun game. Good if you like RPGs or Monster Hunter or both. Fun story and nice monster variety.

My first monster hunter actually. Can't say how it compares to World or other past games but I have a lot fun with it. Don't go in expecting some devil may cry stuff though.

Honestly a very underappreciated game. Apparently it was originally a mobile game but you'd be hard pressed to notice. Very good story with both cute and bittersweet moments that pleasantly surprised me. I bought it on a whim but definitely would recommend this to anyone looking for a fun RPG to play. Haven't even done the NG+ content yet but I expect that to hold up. Only gripe is there's some permanently missable sidequests but hey nothing is perfect.