I really like Metro 2033 but this game never quite came close to it.
One of the problems for me is how often the game makes Artyom go outside, in the prequel the outside was something fearful and dangerous and mysterious, here you are just walking through it like no man's business.

I also did not get invested in the story at all.

Bossfights are often times confusing and it is very unclear what you are actually supposed to do, in a later boss fight I got the boss glitched twice which ended in a soft lock and with the same boss I ran out of ammo because it was unclear to me, what to do exactly.

Speaking of performance, the game often times just refused to start for me, which was quite annoying.

The atmosphere is great, the gunplay is alright but all in all this game just didn't live up to Metro 2033 and I had to take a break before actually finishing it, due to the game being too long in my opinion.

Reviewed on Dec 03, 2023
