After revisiting Episode I, and skipping the disaster that is Episode II, I replayed Episode III to see how it holds up and experience the ambition of the story. And my conclusion is that it’s fine. Just fine. The story, while grandiose and in-depth, is rushed in some respects so that for me it’s kind of a mess. Emotionally it get me there with some of the characters, but others just do not earn their resolutions. The battle system returns mostly to Episode I’s, with the break mechanic returning from Episode II in a form that isn’t awful, but still feels kinda slow and plodding in a way that games released today do not, in my opinion. Nothing is unplayable, but it tends to drag when it shouldn’t. Maybe it’s just that game part doesn’t live up to the ambition. I do want to say that I think these games, at least Episodes I and III, were still worth playing. Ultimately, the story and the journey of the characters is engrossing and thought provoking, trying to achieve something in and with the medium of video games.

Reviewed on Oct 01, 2022
