It's an interesting game with an interesting plot, mixing sections of live-action film with a game is not an idea I'm against to, but after playing trough this thing, I'm not sure how well executed it was. The live-action and gameplay sections end up feeling like different entities, both are two visions in the same story line, but none of them feel like they are using the language of their respective medium in an interesting way to deserve to have both at the same time, although the live action sequences definitely stands out more, as the gameplay in this game feels definitely lacking.

It's basically just going trough a level finding things to read, having combat encounters and the occasional cinematic.

For the combat, it is just... not quite there; it's pretty much your classic third person cover shooter with some "time abilities" on cooldowns. It doesn't really incentivize to try out different weapons either, as there are are backpacks with infinite ammo in every arena. It's not awful, but I just don't see any type of personality in the combat.

For the readables, last time I played a remedy game (Control), I criticized how the game does not really incentivize you to read the stuff it gives you, which is not good as the text is one of the main ways that these games have to tell you it's story. I don't necessarily have a problem with this kind of storytelling, but in this game it feels even worse than in Control, since here you actively have interruptions while you are trying to read, with characters telling you to hurry up and stuff. Even with this said, I do recommend to read if you play the game, since the texts sometimes tell you really interesting stuff.

Overall, Quantum Break was a nice experience even with the criticism I gave it, mainly because the story do is really cool and it is a nice take on the "time travel" topic. Recommended if you like this kind of linear/cinematic kind of storytelling.

Reviewed on Jan 27, 2024
